Audio Guides
As part of the exhibition "Gastspiel"(Guest Performance) at the Rheinisches LandesMuseum in Bonn (Dec. 2004-Feb. 2005), the standard visitor information on the audio guides - which could be accessed by entering in specific number codes - was supplemented with 35 new voice recordings and sounds.
Within this context, museum visitors were asked to supply information about themselves upon entering the museum's foyer - some of it unusual (e.g. age, shoe size etc.) - and were requested to take part in a contest. To participate, the visitors had to answer nine questions and write down a particular letter of the solution in each case. The number codes were found next to the exhibits, but also in other locations such as beside a bench, a fire extinguisher or on a staircase landing. Upon exiting, visitors were invited to submit the solution - the word "Gastspiel" - while returning their audio guides. All winners received a catalogue from the exhibition.
Some of the recordings were activated by transmitters and replayed automatically. For example, the voice of a woman suddenly calling out from the audio guide headset, "Hello, do you see me?" or a man asking sternly, "Where do you think you're going?" In other cases, all that was heard was coughing, giggling or a loud cry of pain.
Many visitors were confused at being addressed directly. They took the orders seriously and spoke into the microphones that they believed were built into the audio guides.
Speakers: Stefan Barmann and Kerstin Bergmann